Justin Bieber: Baby
Today’s teen population is different from that of years ago. They act different, growing up quicker than any other generation. They tend to meet in different ways than before. The main form of communication between teens these days is through electronics. No more are they talking on the phone, they text, instant message, or video chat. They meet in school and “hang out” through “Facebook”. Times have changed.
Justin Beiber’s video for the song Baby, shows teens enter acting in a different way than they typically do today. Years ago, the scene would seem more realistic; however, with the technological advances of today, fewer teens meet in bowling alleys.
The video shows many different gender variations. Here, the girls seem stronger, while the males seem to be making a show to get their attention. In real life, this seems unlike to happen. More often, it is the other way around. Generally, girls tend to behave certain ways to gain the attention of boys.
The joining of a young rising star such as Justin Bieber with a rap star like Ludicrous bridges the gap between different types of music. To the music industry, this can be great. Regardless of the type of music a person likes, both artists are getting airtime, in different regions. For the music industry, this means big money.
The video is almost idealistic. There are no cell phones or computers involves. The video is clean; there is no sex, alcohol or drugs involved. The teens are interacting in a way that may show others that the addition of drugs or alcohol is not needed. The video is almost pure.
WC 275
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